38 Methods (From 38 Experts) To Help Your Business Survive & Prosper In A Recession – METHOD #33

The 38 tips you’re about to see are contained in my two e-manuals called, “How Your Business Can Survive And Prosper In A Recession.”

NOTE: I interviewed 38 top experts in business, sales & marketing. Each expert revealed the common mistakes most businesses make, 5-10 methods that they’d use to survive and prosper in a recession, and money-making opportunities available to business owners during this time.
You are about to see just ONE method from each of their interviews. If you would like to see more, then you can go to the site and check out a free preview of two of the interviews or grab both e-manuals for one low price.

Now here is your 33rd tip…

(Vol. 2 Debbie Weil – Method To Survive & Prosper)

“Join LinkedIn or the social network of your choice. Use it to trade tips & info. Give first, and then you’ll get back useful tips and leads.”

Debbie mentions two important facts: 1. The power of networking and connecting with prospects matter as much as ever and social networking sites are the way to do this.  You need to join some social networking site now if you haven’t already. 2. Just like in face-to-face settings, and offline relationships, you need to connect with people and help them first, BEFORE, you try and “get” something from others.

So here’s what to do ASAP:

1. Who do you need/want to connect with? Decide this and then do that through one of web 2.0 services.  Add them as a friend, link to them, become their follower – whatever!  Just make that first connection.

2. How can you genuinely help them? Figure out how to help them and do that first.

3. Who can you connect them with? Is there some way you can help them connect with someone that would benefit their network?  Do that too.

4. Who can you recommend them or their products or services to? What friend or associate of yours could really benefit from the service or product this person offers?  Encourage your friend or associate to purchase from this person.

5. After you’ve done these things and built a relationship with them, they will probably ask you how they can help you or they will probably already make an effort to do this. If not, you could ask them if they know anyone that would be valuable for you to know or if they know anyone who could benefit from your product or services.

If they don’t help you, don’t stress about it!  Keep helping them anyway.  And begin connecting with and helping other people.

Remember: People who are helpful are eventually helped.  People who are givers are eventually given back to.

And this is key… even when people don’t respond back the same way, you’ll learn the joy and rewardin the acts themselves–  of being a helpful and giving.

Debbie Weil is a corporate & CEO blogging and social media consultant, sought-after speaker and author of “The Corporate Blogging Book” (Portfolio). She writes BlogWriteForCEOs, a Technorati Top 15,000 blog (out of over 100 million blogs) considered one of the most influential about business blogging. Her clients range from Global 100 and Fortune 500 companies to professional associations and small businesses.

  • What are some ways you’ve seen this method used effectively?
  • What ways can you or others apply this today? Post your comments, ideas & suggestions below!

The FINAL 5 methods are still on the way! The next one will be MONDAY at 8am PST. Sign-up at top by email or RSS feed, so you won’t miss them.

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Scott Aughtmon
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to ContentMarketingInstitute.com and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave.

I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999.

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