I was going to continue my story today, but I decided to post this today and part 2 of my story tomorrow.
I’ve been talking recently about this here in this recent series of posts…
Small businesses need to stop relying solely on traditional marketing and begin using content to connect and bond with their prospects.
Well, Forbes.com has just published an article by David C. Edelman telling you some similar ideas.
It’s actually a really good article that brings in some important views and concepts.
David says…
“For all their investments in video Web ads, sponsored content, user tools, micro-sites, search terms, etc., most companies have not made the strategic commitment required to get the full benefits of digital marketing.
“The shift in mix from ‘paid media’ to ‘owned’ and ‘earned’ media that occurs with digital marketing is more than a budgeting exercise. It is–or should be–the manifestation of a massive shift in perspective, from being a brand that pushes ads and promotions to one that publishes content and applications that help consumers buy and bond with the brand.” (*Bold emphasis mine)
And later it says, “This new perspective determines how we invest in content, how we manage that content, and finally, how we harvest the information that is generated when customers use our content.” (*Bold emphasis again mine)
David also talks about how one consumer goods company won against a leader in their category by shifting it’s budget from paid advertising to content.
He explains budgeting under this new paradigm and other important ideas.
Read the whole article here:
“Perish Or Publish” Forbes.com
Stay Tuned:
Tomorrow I’ll continue my personal story of how I discovered how to get others to create content for you. (And gladly do it!)