I hope I don’t get in trouble with ol’ Chris Kringle, but it’s time to reveal the secret for his incredible fame. It’s the one gift he’s been keeping to himself…
1. Determine to do something so bold and amazing that people will want to share your story (content) with everyone. (His application: Give presents to strangers. )
2. Bring on an amazing team and let the story of who they are (content focused on their unique talents, qualities and gifts) be told for all to see/hear. (His application: Hire elves, use flying reindeer, and use one with shiny nose to lead them. )
3. Allow and encourage others to freely share your story in many content forms. (His application: Letting others tell stories, create tv shows, movies, and music about him. )
Takeaways For You & Your Business:
This post is obviously just meant for fun. But the more I think about it, the more I realize there are 2 overlooked content marketing ideas we really need to consider…
I) Who you are (and who your staff, employees & associates are) and what you do is a rarely tapped source of powerful content.
II) There is power in getting others to create your content for/about you which can give you more leverage and exposure than you ever could by yourself.
*Aren’t these two things the reason so much content has been created about Steve Jobs/Apple, Tony Hsieh/Zappos, Richard Branson/Virgin, and Jeff Bezos/Amazon?
With these in mind, here are some questions for you for 2012:
- What bold, different and amazing things can you do in 2012? Things to make your life and business more exciting. Things that will make your story worth sharing.
- Are there amazing/interesting things you/your business has done in 2011 that you can share in 2012?
- What interesting facts, hobbies, and stories about you and your staff have neglected to share? (Obviously your staff needs to give you permission.)
If you sat down as a team and brainstormed/dreamed together I bet you could come up with some pretty interesting answers to these questions.
BONUS IDEA: Don’t focus on doing these things just so people will create content about you. Focus on them because they would be fun, exciting and meaningful to do. Do things that help and change your industry. Do things that change/improve people’s’ lives (best reason).
The accidental, side-benefit will be that you will have a story worth sharing and content worth creating/spreading – by you and others.
**P.S. Keep an eye-out for my upcoming post that will go live Friday, Dec. 23rd. It’ll be called,
“Christmas Songs And The Surprise Content Marketing Lesson.”
Photo by Kevin Dooley
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[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]https://recessionsolution.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/photo1.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Scott Aughtmon is a “business recession solution expert“, a “content creation expert” , and a speaker. He’s spent over 12 years studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline).
You can read some of his content marketing articles for “Content Marketing Institute” here.
He’s the author of two e-books called “How Your Business Can Survive And Prosper In A Recession” in which he interviewed 38 top business, marketing and sales experts and got them toreveal their methods to help business owners survive and prosper in a recession. Scott has also been interviewed on radio shows and asked to share his wisdom to help business owners survive and prosper in a recession. Read more of Scott’s insights on his blog. Follow Scott on Twitter @rampbusinesses or on Google Plus at +scott aughtmon, +content creation methods, or +recessionsolution.com [/author_info] [/author]