Posts in category Business Tips

The Amazing, Crazy Story Of How A Man Named Pearl Accidentally Became A Brand

The Amazing, Crazy Story Of How A Man Named Pearl Accidentally Became A Brand

              It was the 1980’s and Pearl Fryar wasn’t aiming for anything big. He just wanted to win the “lawn of the month” award. That’s all. Why?  Because when Pearl (who is African-American) moved into the mostly white neighborhood in Bishopville, South Carolina, the neighbors complained.  They said they […]

A Branding Revelation From The Movie “Braveheart”

A Branding Revelation From The Movie “Braveheart”

I’ve been thinking a lot about brands and branding recently.  And it has caused me to gain a whole new and deeper understanding of them. I want to share these little-known brand discoveries that I’ve made with you in this post and in a few other upcoming ones. This post will reveal the first discovery […]

How To Achieve Your New Years Resolutions And Goals For 2011…

How To Achieve Your New Years Resolutions And Goals For 2011…

You’re going to read a lot of articles and blog posts about achieving more in 2011. Many of them will have all sorts of advice and tips for reaching your goals in 2011.

I’ve read a lot of these types of articles and reaching your new years resolutions and goals for 2011 come down to these simple steps:

Little-Known Facebook News Feed Fact: You don’t see all your friends’ updates!

Little-Known Facebook News Feed Fact: You don’t see all your friends’ updates!

I’ve seen a couple people post a message that basically says, “Copy this is you’re reading my status updates, so I can see who’s really paying attention to me.”

I’ve also seen people disturbed that more people don’t respond to their updates.

I thought I’d post this note to clarify some things.

First, here is the little-known Facebook NewsFeed fact:

No one sees everyone of their friends updates. Facebook has a algorithm that decides what ones to show – especially for people who have hundreds of friends.


You shouldn’t be. It makes sense.

In an article called, “EdgeRank: The Secret Sauce That Makes Facebook’s News Feed Tick”

It says, “You may not realize it, but News Feed only displays a subset of the stories generated by your friends — if it displayed everything, there’s a good chance you’d be overwhelmed.”

“Two Revolutionary Approaches To Business And Life: One last look at loving our customers…

“Two Revolutionary Approaches To Business And Life: One last look at loving our customers…

In the last few posts, I’ve been talking about the power of what would happen if we loved our customers.  I then gave some practical ideas about how to do this. Today I want to give us one other practical way to live out loving our customers.  I want to do this by talking about  what I’m calling […]

4 Practical Ways To Have an “I-You” life Or An “I-You” Business

4 Practical Ways To Have an “I-You” life Or An “I-You” Business

Yesterday I shared the difference between having an “I-It” business versus an “I-You” business. But the question is… How can really we live an “I-You” life and have an “I-You” business?  Here are 4 practical ways: 1. Pay attention to people around you.  I don’t know if you’ve thought about this, but many times we just […]

Do You Have An “I-It” Business Or An “I-You” Business? Continued thoughts on loving your customers…

Do You Have An “I-It” Business Or An “I-You” Business?  Continued thoughts on loving your customers…

In my last post, I asked you an usual question to be asked in a business context.  I asked you… “Do you love your customers?” Well, today I want to ask you another strange, but powerful question.  It’s a question that can begin to help us see how we could move closer towards actually loving […]

What Would Happen If You LOVED Your Customers?

What Would Happen If You LOVED Your Customers?

Do you love your customers?  Seriously.  Do you? I know “love” is a strong word, and it even feels weird for me to type it out in this context, but what would happen if we did? I heard a story that took place a long time ago in England. A group of men were tearing […]

Why The Worst Things In Our Lives Can Sometimes Be The Best Thing For Us…

Why The Worst Things In Our Lives Can Sometimes Be The Best Thing For Us…

Before the Civil War, Edmund McIhenny operated a sugar plantation and a saltworks on Avery Island, Louisiana.  Yankee troops invaded the area in 1863, and McIhenny had to flee.  When he returned in 1865 his sugar fields and saltworks were ruined. One of the few things left were some hot Mexican peppers that had reseeded […]

Some Of The Greatest Things In History Were Accomplished Because Of This…

Some Of The Greatest Things In History Were Accomplished Because Of This…

Some of the greatest things that have ever been achieved throughout history were accomplished not because of intelligence, or power, but because of passion. They were achieved by people that were so passionate about what they were doing that they saw no other option but to accomplish their goal What do you think made Thomas […]

NEW BOOK: 51 Content Marketing Hacks


Are You Just Creating More Fodder for the Online Content Wasteland?

If you think you can just post average, “me too” content and see results, then you’re fooling yourself.

You can learn some "success clues" that you can use to help your content to stand out. Click here to learn more.

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