Posts in category Content Marketing

Sign-up To Access My Slideshow – “How To Get Experts To Create Content That You Can Use To Promote Your Business”

Sign-up To Access My Slideshow – “How To Get Experts To Create Content That You Can Use To Promote Your Business”

I created a slide show that was originally created to teach business owners how to create an information product that their customers would like and that would establish them as an expert. But you need to understand that what this is really teaching you is how to create content you can use to promote your […]

How I Got 38 Business, Sales, & Marketing Experts To Create Content For Me…

How I Got 38 Business, Sales, & Marketing Experts To Create Content For Me…

Today, I’m going to continue the story I’ve been telling you about how I got experts to create content for me, just after we had our first son.  (See  Part 1 & Part 2) This will show you a way to create content for marketing and connecting with your prospects and customers, for those of […]

How A Father With A New Son Learned How To Get Others To Create Content For Him

How A Father With A New Son Learned How To Get Others To Create Content For Him

Today I want to continue my story… Where I left off: It was 2001 and I was trying to come up with an idea to make money online and make extra money to support my wife and new son while living on the S.F. Peninsula (Silicon Valley). I finally came across an idea I thought […]

Even Tells You To “Publish Or Perish”…

Even Tells You To “Publish Or Perish”…

I was going to continue my story today, but I decided to post this today and part 2 of my story tomorrow. I’ve been talking recently about this here in this recent series of posts…  Small businesses need to stop relying solely on traditional marketing and begin using content to connect and bond with their prospects. […]

My Accidental Discovery And The Little-Known Content Creation Strategies That Will Increase The Impact Of Your Content Marketing

My Accidental Discovery And The Little-Known Content Creation Strategies That Will Increase The Impact Of Your Content Marketing

Today, I’m practicing what I “preach”. I told you that you need to create content in different forms (“How People Limit The Value, Usefulness & Portability Of Their Content Marketing“) so you don’t limit its ability to travel to where your prospects are and you don’t limit its usefulness to them. I’ve realized that I haven’t […]

My next post is coming later today…

My next post is coming later today…

Hi everyone, I told you I’d have another post for you today and I will. But I won’t post it until later in the afternoon (PST time). It’ll be a video where I share with you my “accidental discovery” and how I want to share more of my content creation strategies with you. Stay tuned. […]

How People Limit The Value, Usefulness & Portability Of Their Content Marketing

How People Limit The Value, Usefulness & Portability Of Their Content Marketing

Do you realize that we live daily with an almost miraculous substance, that we take for granted? The miraculous substance is water. Why do I call it miraculous? Our planet is the only one we know of that contains such a substance.  It is what allows us to have life on this planet. But it’s commonness causes us to take […]

An “Introduction Toolbox” To Help You Create Content That Grabs Attention…

An “Introduction Toolbox” To Help You Create Content That Grabs Attention…

Dr. Mardy Grothe a pioneer in the field of “business therapy” once said this… “Words have incredible power. They can make people’s hearts soar, or they can make people’s hearts sore.” Your job, if you want to use content to ATTRACT prospects that you can help, build relationships with, and eventually work with, is to create […]

What Your Content Marketing Must Have To Capture Your Prospect’s Attention…

What Your Content Marketing Must Have To Capture Your Prospect’s Attention…

This is a fact:  If you don’t grab your prospect’s attention at the very beginning of your content (whether it’s text, audio, or video), then you’re going to have a hard time getting them to “listen” to what you have to say. Your content will essentially be wasted and ineffective. That means you need to capture […]

“60 Minutes” Creator And An Effective Content Marketing Formula…

“60 Minutes” Creator And An Effective Content Marketing Formula…

“60 Minutes” Creator Don Hewitt just died recently at the age of 86. I read an interesting article about him on that explains this idea of wrapping your ideas in stories.  (See  here for the full story.) The part I want you to hear from that article is this… “He made his mark in […]

NEW BOOK: 51 Content Marketing Hacks


Are You Just Creating More Fodder for the Online Content Wasteland?

If you think you can just post average, “me too” content and see results, then you’re fooling yourself.

You can learn some "success clues" that you can use to help your content to stand out. Click here to learn more.

Listen to Segment of CMI’s Podcast I Was Featured On