I posted on my Google+ stream an interesting article on AdAge.com about AT&T partnering with the British TV show “Doctor Who.” What they’ve come up with is very interesting. It’s not just another “hybrid commercial” like Bing and other companies have done where the commercial promotes their product and ties in with the show. AT&T’s commercial actually adds to the […]
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My Google Plus Tips: An Assortment Of Things I’ve Learned Since Being On Google Plus Since June 12th…
Here are a random assortment of tips and methods that I’ve posted on Google Plus – ABOUT Google Plus… “The Google+ Dilemma Or The Social Platform Temptation“ I think the temptation for people without a platform (aka audience or following) is to try and copy those on here who do have a platform…. (Read more at […]
Familiarity: The Unseen Enemy Of Your Business
http://www.flickr.com/photos/jamespaullong/1102575752/ Photo by ricoeurian In a book I recently read called, “Unthinking: The surprising forces behind what we buy” the internationally acclaimed marketer Harry Beckwith shares a story about what I’d call “negative familiarity” that business owners need to take to heart. He says… “One evening on Friday, January 26, 1968, Jeff Greendorfer and his college roommate arrived […]
“The Mother’s Day Secret: How To Make Your Customers (And Mom) Happy”
We know that happy customers will stay with our business longer. We know that happy customers will purchase more and more often. We know that happy customers will use WOM (word of mouth) to tell their friends about us. But the BIG question is this: How do we really make our customers happy? Here is […]
The Amazing, Crazy Story Of How A Man Named Pearl Accidentally Became A Brand
Branding Revelation #2: Lessons From Looney Tunes
A Branding Revelation From The Movie “Braveheart”
I’ve been thinking a lot about brands and branding recently. And it has caused me to gain a whole new and deeper understanding of them. I want to share these little-known brand discoveries that I’ve made with you in this post and in a few other upcoming ones. This post will reveal the first discovery […]
How To Achieve Your New Years Resolutions And Goals For 2011…
You’re going to read a lot of articles and blog posts about achieving more in 2011. Many of them will have all sorts of advice and tips for reaching your goals in 2011.
I’ve read a lot of these types of articles and reaching your new years resolutions and goals for 2011 come down to these simple steps:
Little-Known Facebook News Feed Fact: You don’t see all your friends’ updates!
I’ve seen a couple people post a message that basically says, “Copy this is you’re reading my status updates, so I can see who’s really paying attention to me.”
I’ve also seen people disturbed that more people don’t respond to their updates.
I thought I’d post this note to clarify some things.
First, here is the little-known Facebook NewsFeed fact:
No one sees everyone of their friends updates. Facebook has a algorithm that decides what ones to show – especially for people who have hundreds of friends.
You shouldn’t be. It makes sense.
In an article called, “EdgeRank: The Secret Sauce That Makes Facebook’s News Feed Tick” http://techcrunch.com/2010/04/22/facebook-edgerank/
It says, “You may not realize it, but News Feed only displays a subset of the stories generated by your friends — if it displayed everything, there’s a good chance you’d be overwhelmed.”