Content marketing is a very effective way to harness the power of “know, like, trust.”
Without this power you will have little chance of succeeding in business nowadays.
Have you ever wondered why? The short story you’re about to hear will reveal why.
The following tale took place a long time ago in a small village in Europe.
Two men were working together to demolish a stone wall. Their method? A stick of dynamite. They had just lit the fuse and hid behind a barrier for protection when the worst possible thing happened.
A little boy, who seemed to appear out of nowhere, was suddenly standing near the stone wall.
The men were so shocked and horrified that they began screaming at the boy. “Get out of there, kid! What are you doing!?! Run! Now!! RUN!!”
But the boy just stood there paralyzed by the screams of the men.
It looked like the situation was going to end tragically. That is until his mother noticed that the boy was not by her side.
She turned and saw the danger he was in and responded much differently than the men behind the wall.
She knelt down and called out gently to him. She said, “Come here, son. Come to Mama. Come quickly son.”
And the boy ran immediately to his Mom and to safety.
What was the difference between the two approaches?
The men were strangers who yelled from a distance.
The mom was a trusted person in whom he had a relationship with. She approached him calmly, lovingly and at his level.
Old school marketing is like the two men.
Content marketing allows people to know you, like you, and most importantly trust you.
It allows you to stop screaming out commands to far away prospects.
It allows you to kneel down and calmly share knowledge that could help the people you are trying to reach escape the predicament they’re in.
And when you do that people stop feeling paralyzed and move towards you.
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[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Scott Aughtmon is a “business recession solution expert“, a “content creation expert” , and a speaker. He’s spent over 12 years studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline).
You can read some of his content marketing articles for “Content Marketing Institute” here.
He’s the author of two e-books called “How Your Business Can Survive And Prosper In A Recession” in which he interviewed 38 top business, marketing and sales experts and got them toreveal their methods to help business owners survive and prosper in a recession. Scott has also been interviewed on radio shows and asked to share his wisdom to help business owners survive and prosper in a recession. Read more of Scott’s insights on his blog. Follow Scott on Twitter @rampbusinesses or on Google Plus at +scott aughtmon, +content creation methods, or [/author_info] [/author]